20356 How to identify an energetic vampire

How to identify an energetic vampire

An energy vampire can literally be calculated! At the same time, check if they are not you?

So, write down your date of birth according to the DD MM MM-YYYY formula and add up all the numbers in that row. For example, if you appeared
to the light on May 3, 1986, then you will get:

0 + 3 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 32. This is your base number – remember it. Now add the numbers further until you get a single-valued, prime number. In this case: 3 + 2 = 5.

The main number is an indicator of the level of energy given to you from birth. The lower it is, the weaker the energy and the more you are inclined to “steal” it from others.

Ссылка: http://fsetyt.com/how-to-identify-an-energetic-vampire.html


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